

Dear editor,

I am writing to express my concern about the lack of coverage of independent candidates in California’s US Senate race. Over 30 candidates are running, including many independents who are making an effort to participate in our democratic experiment. Prejudging candidates by wealth or campaign donations is oligarchic, and the media bias against ordinary citizens is precisely why so many independent candidates are running.

The lack of coverage disenfranchises independent voters. By only covering the major candidates, the media sends the message that independent candidates are not viable or not worth voting for. This is a dangerous precedent to set, as it undermines the very foundation of our democracy.

I urge the San Francisco Chronicle and other media outlets to correct their reporting and start covering the independent candidates in California’s US Senate race. Californians deserve to know about all of their options. If voters are informed that there are other choices, they have the opportunity to support and vote for grassroots candidates who may more closely align with their values than the status quo politicians.


John Rose
California’s U.S. Senate Candidate running for Campaign Finance Reform
