editor@sfchronicle.com​​cc:Shira.stein@sfchronicle.com;​joe.garofoli@sfchronicle.com​Dear editor, I am writing to express my concern about the lack of coverage of independent […]
Stars and Stripes Forever Unity flag
With another U.S. government shutdown expected soon, here’s a flag inspired by Lincoln’s speech, “The Perpetuation […]
Oliver Anthony’s “Rich Men North of Richmond” has 20 million or more views in its first […]
Stars and Stripes Forever
You have a choice to vote for me because I was given the opportunity to run. […]
Every time I voted for Feinstein, I hoped for the best. I always wanted to believe […]
No one enjoys change. It is much easier for a body to remain at rest than […]
Welcome to the party Katie! I’ve believed that “Technology can’t be an excuse to bust unions […]
What do you believe and why do you believe it? Do you have faith in America […]
Congress and the Public
People ask why I am running for a seat in a Congress with an 18% job […]