Protest marches are impractical, a protest vote is much easier. Don’t waste your vote for one of the establishment candidates; change requires doing something different. Adam Schiff has the most money and is heavily favored to win by the media and pollsters. To send the establishment a message to get money out of politics, vote for the candidate for change: John Rose. My candidacy promotes campaign finance reform. Even getting in the top ten result winners will send a huge message to the establishment: We want change! Getting money out of our elections with the We The People Amendment is the first step to change. When we establish that humans, not corporations, are people, then politics will work for all of us again.
Adam Schiff, Katie Porter, and Barbara Lee all co-signed the We The People Amendment with House Joint Resolution 54, but it takes more than a quick signature to pass an amendment. Californians and America are ready for our leaders to move the amendment forward and end the corrupting influence of money in our elections.
We want change now, and a vote for John Rose delivers our message. If we continue to amend our Constitution to adapt with the ages, then Government of the People, By the People, and For the People shall not Perish from the Earth.