Forty-eight years ago today, the Supreme Court ruled in Buckley v. Valeo (1976) that restrictions on campaign spending were a violation of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Most of us learned about the absurd Supreme Court doctrines of “money = speech” and “corporations are people” in 2010, when the Citizens United ruling came down.

But the Buckley v. Valeo (1976) case that set the “money = speech” precedent was not about corporations — it was about one individual’s belief that campaign finance laws were a violation of his first amendment rights to express himself.

The Citizens United v. FEC (2010) ruling essentially married them — further crystallizing into the case law of the highest court in the land that BECAUSE corporations are people, and BECAUSE money is free speech, then any restrictions on campaign spending is a violation of their constitutional rights.

Check out Move the 118th Congress to Amend campaign to find out how you can help advance the #WeThePeopleAmendment in this new congress!

My campaign for US Senate is to help the Democratic leaders in the race go beyond signing the We The People Amendment. Most politicians ask the people to push for a constitutional amendment. I’m doing my part by running in the race. You can vote for me in the primary if you want to send a message to the politicians that change is past due.

Get Lee, Porter, and Schiff to speak in favor of the We The People Amendment. They signed it. Either they don’t believe in it or they don’t believe in you.