John Rose US Senate Candidate

John Rose, a U.S. Senate candidate running on a shoestring budget, scored a major coup by securing the top spot on the ballot in California’s March 2024 Presidential Primary.

“This is a significant advantage, as voters are more likely to read about candidates who appear first,” Rose stated. “In the absence of millions of dollars in campaign ads, my message will rely heavily on the ballot guide. Drawing pole position in the Rumble in the Jungle primary is an incredible stroke of luck or providence.”

Rose initially anticipated the campaign like a nine-round boxing match, but he was surprised to find himself unchallenged for four rounds. “My opponents talk about change, but they’re just as invested in the status quo as their rightwing counterparts,” he remarked. “They all raise millions when their hated rivals step out of line.”

Despite the daunting odds, Rose remains optimistic about his chances of success. “There are a billion reasons why my dark horse campaign might not succeed in passing the We the People Amendment, which will allow the reinstatement of bipartisan campaign finance reform,” he acknowledged. “But there’s one reason why it will: your individual vote.”

Rose emphasized the importance of voting as a means to empower the people. “We the People have the right to vote, and corporations and artificial entities do not,” he stressed. “Those in power make it difficult and discouraging to vote because they know how powerful our collective voices can be. This year, choose wisely and vote for change.” Learn more at or contact for volunteer opportunities to get out the vote.


Dateline: Santa Rosa, California, Nov 26, 2023

Contact: John Rose Rose For Us