You have a choice to vote for me because I was given the opportunity to run. My upbringing, education, and experience gives me rare skills. My patriotic inspired art and writing gives me further opportunity to inspire others with images and symbols. My choice to run when the opportunity arrived wasn’t a real choice. I could choose to refuse and live with regrets. I might even be called to account by my maker, the creator, with whom I have had issues and complaints mainly about the implementation of his words in various religions. As a teenager became a cynic and agnostic, demanding proof before I would believe.
With experience and reflection, I now feel that I didn’t set a fair test or reasonable expectation of a satisfactory proof. Surely I didn’t expect the clouds to part and to see the face of god. I’d hardly believe a burning bush was more than smoke and mirrors. What constitutes sufficient proof? I never said and washed my hands of the whole thing, simply because I found fault in those who claimed to be Christians and even those who preached the message.
The golden rule seems true enough. Not the politicians’ golden rule, but the rule most religions advocate— treat your neighbor as you would have them treat you. The politicians’ golden rule is reward those who would reward you.
I reject the political golden rule. I file with the FEC but unlike the other candidates I don’t like paperwork. I file as least often possible and don’t use the reports as a fundraising tool or a metric of success. My campaign needs some money, but it’s primarily word of mouth. Have a cookie my friend.
I care much more about your personal neighborhood organizing than my campaign fundraising goals. I would rather you meet your neighbors over a plate of cookies and take about local concerns instead of national politics. But yeah, there’s some expenses. It’s $250 a word for inclusive in the sample ballot. I have a lot to say but also can say it in 0 words with visual images.
Stars and Stripes Forever is the symbol that I was inspired to create. Once I looked past the shadow, I realized that the Möbius strip the infinity symbol is based on was a more appropriate symbol for the nonpartisan support of our democracy. The democratic ideals of America are even further up the Platonic forms, but first we have to emancipate ourselves of mental slavery and choose to believe in the people’s power to demand change.
Democracy for sale: Exact change required.