Every time I voted for Feinstein, I hoped for the best. I always wanted to believe in the Democrats message, but they never manage to deliver. Their strategic leadership has been appalling. Following antiquated Senate norms and leaving military appointments unfulfilled because Coach Tommy Tuberville refuses to appoint top generals. He wants to force the women protecting our freedoms to give up health choices available in America. Thank you for your service ladies.

Of course the Senate could appoint the Generals when Tuberville is absent. They don’t because it is more important to respect Senate norms than to have a well defended democracy. Great leadership by the Democratic majority. Under Feinstein’s stewardship, Congress’s approval rating descended from 40% to 18%. Bringing our democracy down to a soft landing is not sufficient.

Our Democrat leaders always say that the people need to lead them change. But we work too hard just to make ends meet. We are one health condition away from financial disaster, we elect the politicians to lead.

I can’t expect different results from continuing to do the same thing—voting for politicians with great sounding promises. My father always told me, “if you want a job done right, be prepared to do it yourself.” I’m busy, but I’ll serve. We all need to step up because our democracy needs leadership and more participation.

I’m here from the people, for the people, to lead us forward. Working a full time job and fighting to get the media to notice my campaign is hard, but the lack of air is just a temporary problem.

I’m stepping up my outreach and will be having conversations with the people and creative class at Alta California’s ephemeral Black Rock City. I’ll be on my soapbox at the 3:00+B plaza but generally out and about. I’ll talk with Californians and other folks about their concerns and desires for our nation’s future.

I’m off grid starting tomorrow to help build a city. Talk to me if you’re at Burning Man or send an email and I’ll respond when I’m back online after Labor Day.
