Congress and the Public

People ask why I am running for a seat in a Congress with an 18% job approval rating. Simply put, the politicians are not doing a good job and failure is not an option.

Other people say that it is impossible to pass a new Constitutional amendment in our current political environment. Only an political outsider has a hope of unifying the people and standing up to the multinational corporations and billionaires who divide us against one another.

I’m a registered Democrat, but have a lot of questions about the party’s policies and leadership. I will push them hard to make tough decisions and make government work for all of us again Every vote for me will be a vote for change. Together we can make a difference and change America for the good!

Millions of dollars are being spent by the media and pollster favorite candidates. My winning the primary is unlikely but just placing higher than expected sends our politicians a message: we are ready for change. Schiff, Porter, and Lee all signed the We The People Amendment in the House of Representatives. My campaign calls for leadership to drive and pass the amendment. While the status quo is working for our well funded incumbent Democratic politicians, it is time for leadership for the rest of California and America. Get Big Money out of our Elections!

Your vote counts this election. Do not fail to act!
