Bakers and New Product Introduction Project teams want proof. You say the technology works? Show us the prototype. Will the bread rise? Let’s see if the
yeast is
active before we load the oven. Proof. Will you rise?
John resigned from NPI at Hewlett-Packard spinoff Agilent Technologies when his product launches were being used to offshore his neighbors’ jobs.
He reopened an old bakery and started baking bread and cookies for the community. Read about the Hearth Truth.
To succeed where politicians and nonprofits have failed, John is taking a novel approach. Capitalism is the most powerful system in the world and it works.
’We have all heard promises before and been disappointed. Other candidates promise to fight for you but are using the same techniques that have failed us for the last 30 years.
There’s nothing new under the sun, and neither is John’s use of the Möbius strip to promote “the perpetration of our political institutions” as Abraham Lincoln put it in his 1838 speech.
Liberty Cookies was inspired by the Liberty Ships that saved Europe from fascism in WWII.
Liberty Ships were a British design given to dozens of shipyard that built thousands of ships. Mass production overwhelmed the Nazis with troops and supplies.
The first Liberty ship was named after Patrick Henry, the American patriot whose quote is the motto for Project Managers:
“Lead, follow, or get out of the way.”

“Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” -SS Patrick Henry, the first Liberty ship
The Mobius Strip in the Perpetuation of Government
The Möbius strip was ‘discovered’ in 1858
The Möbius strip was used on the backs of Roman coins with the signs of the Zodiac with the Hellenistic god of perpetual time, Aion, and the
phoenix, a symbol of rebirth.
A mosaic was excavated from a Roman villa and brought to Germany shortly before Möbius’ discovery of his eponymous strip.
The Möbius strip when cut down the center is indivisible. It multiplies instead of dividing.
Stars and Stripes Forever!