
Why John Rose for Senate?
A lot of politicians want a cookie just for doing their job. I have plenty of cookies to encourage them to do good for all of US.
Simply running and drawing attention to the need for Campaign Finance is a reform is a victory. The Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in Citizens United made campaigns open to the highest bidder. We need a Constitutional Amendment to set matters right and put democracy in the hands of the voters.
How are you going to bake all those cookies?
Liberty Cookies uses the same strategy as the British did with Liberty Ships in WWII. We provide the recipe and dozens of bakeries bake the cookies. With so many attacks on democracy, the U.S. has a Dunkirk moment. We call for all patriots to Bake for America and rebuild trust with one another. We have more in common with each other than partisan leaders and foreign social media terrorists want us to believe. To Bake for America, bring of cookies to your neighbors and talk about your community. Help pick up some trash or weed a neighbors yard. Let them your community know that we are all in this life together and will be happier if we get along. United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
What makes you better than the other candidates?
I’m not a sports legend and can’t hit a home run, most of my money comes from work not investments. I don’t think I’m better but what I am a creative thinker with patience for the long game. I’m different from the rest of the pack and we need to try a different approach. I’m glad if the other candidates will show support for Democracy Awareness and the perpetuation of our political institutions, but I’m done following. Either Lead, Follow, or Get out of the Way. I never ask anything that I wouldn’t do myself, and I’m asking you to participate in our democracy.  Run For Something! Democracy is too important to leave to the politicians, so if you want the system to work,  join school boards, run in local elections, or even in your social clubs.
What’s next?
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