Artwork and Essays
John Rose graduated from San Jose State University
with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and Humanities in 1990.
To afford rent in Silicon Valley, John took a job in high tech. He was retrained in Project Management and
Systems Engineering at Fairchild Instruments’ Automated Test Equipment
, and Hewlett-Packard’s Signal Analysis Division where John used his creative skills to launch new products. When management offshored manufacturing to Malaysia, John resigned in protest over labor law violations. He currently makes a living as an office manager, writing and creating art on the side.
John’s recent art works focus on Patriotic imagery to represent America’s democratic and humanist ideals.
John’s recent art works focus on Patriotic imagery to represent America’s democratic and humanist ideals.

Democracy at Stake, 2024
Christo-esque wrapped obelisks for the 50th anniversary of the Running Fence. These wrapped obelisks do not mask a physical object with political significance like Christo’s wrapped Reichstag or wrapped Arc de Triomphe. Rather they highlight the concept of democracy.

Democracy at Stake, BRC 2024
“Democracy at Stake” is an 10 feet high obelisk stake, wrapped in the style of Christo and made from similar material as the Running Fence. Installed at Burning Man 2024 on the path of the Black Rock City Ultramarathon. Illuminated from within, “Democracy at Stake” serves as a beacon of hope for democracy and survival of “government of the people, for the people, and by the people.”

Running Fence Run, 2024-2026
For the 2026 50th Anniversary of the installation of the Running Fence, a marathon and 10K is planned along the public roads adjacent to the original Running Fence. for details.
Only one runner ran the marathon course of the Running Fence and was featured on the cover
of Runners World in 1976. For the 50th Anniversary of the staking of the Running Fence’s path, a Christo-esque wrapped obelisk will be placed as a milestone for the Black Rock City ultramarathon.

A Typecast Patriot #1, 2023.
Vintage Remington Typewriter with the keyboard exercise, “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country,” inspired by typewriter inventor Charles Sholes’ political history.

A Typecast Patriot #2, 2023.
8.5″x11″ typed page with patriotic keyboard exercise and history of typewriter inventor Charles Sholes. ASCII American Flag.

American Infinity, 2023
“…Government of the People, by the People, and for the People shall not perish from the Earth.” -Abraham Lincoln

Star Spangled Mobius Strip, 2022
A three-dimensional endless ribbon with one-side to represent our endless democracy.

“Stars and Stripes Forever!”
Endless ribbon magnet, 2003
An endless ribbon magnet inspired by the ubiquitous
“Support our Troops” magnets seen during the Gulf War.

A Capitol Hill Christmas Carol of a cynical politician wanting to be Speaker of the House but lacking enough votes. After having Scrooge-like
visions of the founding fathers, he transforms into a Constitutional Patriot and wins a bipartisan election.
Tragically, Kevin McCarthy chose to be a partisan “Squeaker of the House” for a very temporary “leadership” role.
Free online copy for review.

The State of America, 2022
The U.S. Flag by population density.

American Infinity, 2021
A reinterpretation of the 50 star “Stars and Stripes Forever” magnet. This design is inspired by the the thirteen colonies ratification of the Constitution which established America’s three branches of government. It celebrates the endless formation of more perfect unions as the Constitution is continually amended during dark periods expanding our democratic rights.